Plan Review & Approval

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The City strives for a one week review cycle running from Wednesday to Wednesday. Once a review is complete, the shepherd will produce a summary of the review status which will specify approval or denial in each subject area. If denied, required corrections will be clearly listed. On second and subsequent reviews, outstanding items will be shown as resolved when they are corrected. Any questions or concerns about the review process should be directed to your shepherd.

When resubmitting corrected plans for additional review, please include a complete plan set, including the three hard copies as well as the PDF. If the stormwater documents were approved initially, it is not necessary to resubmit the approved items.  However, any modified documents will also need to be submitted in hard copy and electronic form. Please include the $100 additional review fee with each review after the second submittal.

Once the plan has been completely approved, your shepherd will let you know that you can move to the permitting phase of the project. On most projects, you will need:

Land Disturbance Permit -which usually requires an Erosion Control Bond and other documents required by the State of Tennessee such as Notices of Coverage or SWPPP
 -Driveway Permit which require a refundable $500 (residential) or $1000 (commercial) deposit or bond
 -Building Permit
 -Work in the Right-of-Way Permit
 -Sign Permit(s)
 -Plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits

Please see the Engineering and Building Inspections Departments for further information on permits.
Some projects require bonds, which will need to be in place before permits are issued.  Bonding is required for any new public infrastructure, erosion control for Land Disturbance permits, and may be accepted for any outstanding site plan issues at departmental discretion depending on the circumstances.