Burn Permits

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Open Burning within the City of Morristown is regulated by the MFD Fire Marshal. A valid permit obtained from the Fire Marshal's Office is required. The Fire Marshal's Office reserves the right to deny open burning on any day due to weather or environmental conditions. Hamblen County residents must contact the TN Forestry Division. See contact information below.

Burn Permits are issued free-of-charge.

Applicants must contact the Fire Marshal's Office at 423-585-4657, between 8 AM and 2 PM (Monday through Friday) of the day the permit is desired to see if open burning will be allowed at that time. The Fire Marshal decides on a daily basis whether or not it is a "burn day" according to weather, atmospheric conditions, and etc. You will be asked for your contact information and the location of the burn so the site can be inspected prior to approval.

The following tips should be followed when a burn permit as been issued:
* Notify your neighbors to let them know your plans to burn
* Stay alert of changing weather conditions
* Establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil at least five feet wide around burn piles

* Keep fire containment equipment on hand during the fire (e.g. rake, shovel, water)

* Stay with the fire until it is completely out

If you are located in Hamblen County, you must contact the State of Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry at 423-586-2497 or follow the link below.

